Invitație: EUROCLIO Annual Conference (Elsinore, 20-25 aprilie 2015)

Invitație: EUROCLIO Annual Conference (Elsinore, 20-25 aprilie 2015)

History, Heritage and Citizenship educators across Europe and beyond are invited to participate in the 22nd EUROCLIO Annual Conference Professional Development and Training Course. The conference will take part in Elsinore, Denmark, a city standing on centuries of global history. The focus will be on roles and conducting of democracy in History Education. How can we pave this way to democracy? The conference aims to explore this question through a highly active and condensed programme which will engage participants in an interactive programme with workshops, dialogue tables, open spaces, on-site study visits, public debate and reflective and interactive panels. The conference will provide a platform of intercultural exchange in which the participants will actively learn, share best practices and network. The core group of teachers and heritage educators will be involved in activities that will empower them to engage their students and other target groups in critical debate from multiple perspectives, promote pluralism and combat the idea that history is a single, unchangeable truth.

Conference webpage can be found here

Interested parties can register online on the following link:

Registration is open until 1st December 2014. For queries, contact Aysel Gojayeva (

Draft Programme Roads to Democracy

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