Call for Applications: Teaching sensitive history in divided societies

Call for Applications: Teaching sensitive history in divided societies

1st Edition of the Historiana Competition

Teaching sensitive history in divided societies

About the competition

The idea behind the Historiana competition is to encourage educators to find practical ways to overcome a common challenge for history, heritage and citizenship educators. Each edition will focus on a different challenge, usually linked to the theme of an international training. The Jury will write a report with the main lessons learned from the analysis of all submissions as a contribution to the advancement of history, heritage and citizenship education as important subjects. The challenge for the 1st edition is to create learning activities that help to address stereotypes by teaching sensitive history in divided societies. This is a key challenge to educators across the world, and very relevant for the theme and programme of EUROCLIO’s Annual conference in Belfast in 2016. The hope is that many colleagues from Europe and beyond will share their practices in teaching this theme by taking part in the competition.

 The prize

The winner of the competition will be invited to give a workshop at the EUROCLIO conference on “Reimagining Remembrance & Dealing with the Legacy of a Violent Past” in Belfast on 19-24 March 2016. The costs for travel and stay will be fully covered by EUROCLIO. In addition the winning learning activity will feature on Historiana and be tagged “Winner Historiana Competition”.1 More information on the theme and the programme of the conference in Belfast can be found at 2016-belfast-northern-ireland

Who can submit?

All history, heritage and citizenship educators, teacher trainers and trainee teachers can submit a contribution.

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